James Webb Space Telescope will help uncover more of the early universe

Before the James Webb Space Telescope, space telescopes have looked back at lights from galaxies that reached a period of no earlier than 400 million years after the big bang. One question that remains unsolved and important even today is what were the first galaxies like when the universe was experiencing a time phase known […]

James Webb Space Telescope will help uncover more of the early universe Read More »

NASA’s Webb’s Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy will reveal Elements and Molecules

This week NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope team continues to operate through Webb’s 17 science instrument modes. Webb team checked off numbers 5 ( NIRCam grism time series) and 4(imaging time series), both of which will be used to study exoplanets and other time-variable sources. Number 12 which is the NIRISS aperture masking infertometry mode,

NASA’s Webb’s Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy will reveal Elements and Molecules Read More »

small space rocks CLASH into James Webb Space TELESCOPE BUT IT’S still fully operational

Between May 23 and 25, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope encountered an impact on one of its primary mirror segments. after examining the impact, the Webb team reported that the telescope is still operating at a level that exceeds all mission expectations despite the marginal impact. According to NASA, NASA’s Webb will continue to encounter

small space rocks CLASH into James Webb Space TELESCOPE BUT IT’S still fully operational Read More »